# Generate a Spine Image convert -size 200x40 xc:skyblue \ -pointsize 20 -gravity north -annotate +5+0 'IM Examples' \ -pointsize 10 -gravity south -annotate +0+0 'ImageMagick' \ -stroke blue -strokewidth 2 -draw 'line 30,0 30,40' \ -rotate -90 box_spine.jpg # generate the front cover convert -size 150x200 xc:skyblue \ -fill black -pointsize 20 -gravity north -annotate +0+5 'IM Examples' \ -fill blue -pointsize 15 -gravity northeast -annotate +5+28 'Box Set' \ -fill black -pointsize 15 -gravity south -annotate +0+5 'ImageMagick' \ -stroke blue -strokewidth 2 -draw 'line 0,169 150,169' \ \( logo.gif -resize 100x100 \) \ -gravity center -compose multiply -composite box_front.jpg # Distort both images and merge using common points. convert \ \( box_spine.jpg -alpha set -virtual-pixel transparent \ +distort Perspective \ '0,0 -30,20 0,200 -30,179 40,200 0,200 40,0 0,0' \) \ \( box_front.jpg -alpha set -virtual-pixel transparent \ +distort Perspective \ '0,0 0,0 0,200 0,200 150,200 100,156 150,0 100,30' \) \ \ -background black -compose plus -layers merge +repage \ -bordercolor black -compose over -border 15x2 box_set.jpg